Dentist Dr. Muhle & Partner
A well fitting and aesthetically sophisticated denture contributes largely to our overall well-being and appearance. Nowadays, the loss of teeth must not necessarily mean loss of quality of life or aesthetics. The rapid development of research and advances in the field of dentistry, especially aesthetic dental restoration, offers many opportunities to produce prosthetic dentures as naturally as possible.
Basically, all supplies of prosthetic dentures will be manufactured in the dental laboratory. These include crowns, bridges, or combined-fixed prostheses and removable prostheses.

Partial crowns, crowns, bridges or combined-fixed constructions such as telescopic dentures are anchored on pre-treated teeth, or else on implants. The individual needs of our patient and the clinical findings are in the foreground of the treatment. A solution finding whether a tooth gap, for example, should be supplied with a bridge, an implant or preferably with a single crown must be assessed individually depending on the patient’s case.
As before, gold alloys with excellent long-term results are available, but we also use the newest ceramics to achieve a nearly perfect functional and aesthetic result. Especially with all-ceramic partial crowns, crowns or bridge restorations in the front tooth region deceptively natural looking results can be achieved. But not only with fixed but also with removable dentures we can achieve flawless results both in function and appearance. For edentulous cases, the use of implants for an optimum fit and a good chewing function has been proven and has for many of our patients been a better alternative to full dentures replacement.